People are not just switching
their media consumption from analogue to digital. Indeed, reading a newspaper
or a book seems to be easier on a paper than via screen. 60% of surveyed
internet consumers underlined the small screen size problem and their physical
book preference to an eBook and physical newspaper to an electronic version (Gee
2011). The real reason for changing medias is because digital gives them amazingly
more choices
(Kaul 2012).
Global media consumption is
significantly growing. The nature of media is changing: 6 years ago, 50% of
media was digital. In 7 years, that ratio will be 80% (Holloman 2012). Billions
of people who used to have an access at most two or three locally-distributed
printed newspapers, one to four television channels, and one or two dozen radio
stations, can now access nearly all of the world’s news and information right
away at home, office, or wherever they are (Admin 2010).
When radio first appeared, there was no doubt that this will change people life's. For the first time advertisers were able to reach people ears (Admin 2010). What is more, it does not need people's involvement other than turning on the radio. TV invention was even more groundbreaking as it linked communication to ears, eyes and brains together. Advertisers had much more choices what meant higher demand for creative ideas and of course, higher prices (Chan 2012).

People usage habits can give a lot of useful information for the companies in order to target the right medias and places in the right time. Survey states that most of the interactions performed while out of home are: text messaging, accessing the Internet (online search, downloading applications, reading news, using social networks, looking weather and local information, playing games, searching for local deals) and using GPS (Ives 2010), (Gee 2011). Advertising based on such data provides more accurate and efficient targeting what reduces costs.
That is a huge market that can be targeted by new means of advertising. As an example, apps market is experiencing continuous expansion in terms of number of brands integrating it to its campaigns. It is almost most targeted approach as consumer decides what app to download.
Back to the first chart, analogue
TV and radio have been replaced by digital formats. Internet integrates all media tools used in the past and advertisers make most use of it. That helps to target their markets more effectively and efficiently. TV had a huge growth from
1940 to 1980 but stopped to increase ever since. What is more, the graph does
not take into account the growth of channels but consumption only. Adding hundreds of new channels would
not affect consumption (Holloman 2012). Since 2005 independent producers of
entertaining and sport channels did get a significant growth of 15.6% in
revenue, while in-house production at the BBC and ITV has declined. What means that people are more willing to read and watch news on their mobile devices or using broadband. Nevertheless, "traditional TV remains the medium people would find it hardest to live without - except young adults between 16 and 24, who prefer the internet” (Brown 2008).
There are sharp differences in
media consumption by age. Older people are less keen to use mobile phones as
only 7% of over 65s make a mobile call every day, compared with 50% of all adults.
In addition, they spend significantly more time watching television and
listening to the radio. Overall over 65s are less trusting of information,
including news, on the web (Brown 2008). In the same time, younger audience use
phones not just in communicating purposed but also for entertainment. Advertisers
should take into account all these aspects and adjust their activities
accordingly in order to target right publics more efficiently.
The table shows consumers’
willingness to pay for purchases of in-app new content in both print and
digital versions of magazines and newspapers. However, an initially free
download would provide a key benefit and a further incentive. Furthermore, it
is an increasing trend of offering a print code, or QR code, for the consumers
reading the print version of the newspaper or magazine but who are also
digitally inclined. The code can be converted online for a discount for the
purchase of an application or access to a website (Gee 2011). It increases
people interaction and encourages them to become loyal customers.
In the online world, location based advertising and cookies makes
it much easier to track and target consumers. Companies are using these
features widely for the last few years. However, many people do not want to see
adverts and they are even keen to pay money just to remove them from their
interfaces. Moreover, nearly half of
all consumers state that online customer reviews and ratings make impact on
their buying decisions more than any other type of online advertising (Ives
Social networking
is continuously growing. According to the survey, one-quarter of U.S. consumers
are socializing online almost every day and nearly 60 percent was maintaining a
social networking site in 2010 what is more than 10% more than previous year
and is definitely less than the current number. The connections maintained over
social networks provide powerful sources for trusted recommendations and advertisers use these aspects to provide the most targeted and trusted communications and advertising. “The
content generated through social networking provides a rich source for
understanding the collective mindset of consumers” (Ives 2010). Top 10 brands
that managed to get consumers’ attention are:
- YouTube
- Coca-Cola
- Disney
- Red Bull
- Converse
- Starbucks
- Oreo
- PlayStation
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Chan, J. (2012) 2013
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Available from:
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Fan Page List (2012) Top
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Gee, S. (2011) Media
Content On the Go. [Online] Available from:
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Gillin, P. (Thursday 19th January 2012) eMarketer:
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Holloman, C. (2012) The
Social Media MBA: Your Competitive Edge in Social Media Strategy Development
and Delivery. Chichester, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
Ives, B. (Wednesday 15th February 2010) Changes in Media
Consumption: TV Rises in Popularity, Unlike NewsPapers, While Mobile Devices
Also Move Up. Social Media Today.
[Online] Available from:
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Kaul, V (2012) Changing
Paradigms of Media Landscape in the Digital Age. Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism. [Online] Available
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